How do you properly implement process automation in a car dealership?

Jaqueline Rommel
Expert knowledge

Manual work processes are followed by a series of challenges that often cannot be solved quickly enough to ensure excellent customer service. However, the customer expects a simple, fast and carefree service. Sometimes a dealership cannot meet this expectation even if the service advisor is absent due to illness.

What happens at the dealership when:

- the service consultant is overloaded with administrative tasks and has no time to concentrate on providing adequate customer advice?

- the required airbag is not available, the customer is suddenly in the dealership and the order has not yet been prepared?

- an employee resigns and no replacement can be found in time?

- the DSE (data protection declaration) has not been obtained from the customer for the repeated time?

Lack of automation makes work in the dealership slow and costly. Implementing process automation can efficiently solve many challenges at the dealership. From key drop-off and key pick-up to automated order preparation, you can automate work processes efficiently and easily in aftersales.

But how do you properly implement process automation in a car dealership?

The successful integration of process automation requires careful planning and close cooperation between all the players involved in the dealership. First, the existing processes are analyzed and identified in detail. It is examined which tasks and processes can be automated. It is important to pay attention not only to the obvious, recurring tasks, but also to hidden efficiency potentials.

When it comes to changes in companies, it is particularly important to inform employees properly and prepare them for the changes at an early stage. This is what is known as optimal change management. Because only if employees understand the technology and are actively involved in the implementation can the integration succeed. In change management, both technical know-how and the advantages and possibilities of automation should be communicated in order to promote a positive attitude and acceptance towards the new technology.

The correct implementation of process automation in the dealership relieves the service staff and actively counteracts the shortage of skilled workers. In the future, we will publish further content on this topic on the profiles and

Let's connect
Jaqueline Rommel
Marketing Expert


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